WLA Office Procedures for Tenant Screening:
- WLA only provides advice and assistance to active WLA members. We do NOT provide services to tenants/rental applicants.
- WLA does NOT accept rental applications or application fees from PROSPECTIVE TENANTS. Any applications submitted by prospective tenants will NOT be screened. Landlords/Property Managers: Please inform your prospective tenants to give their completed applications to you, NOT to the WLA offices.
- Active WLA members or their representatives can submit rental applications and photo IDs to only ONE of the THREE WLA offices via email or fax. Please see office contact info above. Please do NOT submit the applications to more than one office as it could accidentally be processed more than once.
- WLA requires that you use the updated WLA Rental Application & Authorization Forms. This is a 2-page PDF and can be found in the FORMS section under the Tenant Screening Forms category. You will need to login to your account to access these forms. WLA does NOT accept outdated or non-WLA rental applications.
- For additional information on submitting applications to WLA for processing, please see the following link: Tenant Screening Info
- Each WLA office is run by only 1 person. Typically, we can have the results of a background check sent back within a 24-48 hour period. Sometimes the offices will receive a higher than usual amount of phone calls and applications, so the turnaround time could sometimes be around 48-72 hours.