
Urgent: Help the WBPA Protect Your Property Rights in Spokane

Dear Coalition Partners & Property Owners,


I am writing to share some exciting news! The WPBA, together with our Coalition partners at BOMA Spokane, RHA WA, BOMA Greater Seattle, NAIOP, and others have successfully encouraged the Spokane City Council to delay passing an ordinance that would be the first step to implementing commercial rent control and another that would make being homeless a protected class. Please review the link to the City Council decision below.


We opposed the initial efforts to pass this legislation and now we need to sustain the fight and permanently end this misguided legislative strategy. To rest now just means the City Council will try to regroup, repackage, and revisit legislation that is still bad for citizens, businesses, and property owners. Immediate action is critical!


The Unhoused Bill of Rights: A Growing Concern

The recent article in the Spokane Journal of Business highlights a troubling proposal known as the Unhoused Bill of Rights, which could make homelessness a protected class and bestow special rights to the members of this class. While the measure is closely linked to employment as well, it will significantly infringe on property rights and make our communities less safe.



This proposal is an attempt to get around the recent U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on public camping and flies in the face of voters in Spokane who overwhelmingly approved Proposition 1, which banned camping on public lands within 1,000 feet of schools, day cares, and other properties. Advocates have sued to stop its’ enforcement, and that case is working its way through the courts.


Other Pressing Property Rights Issues

In addition to the making homeless status a protected class, Spokane faces other challenges related to property rights:

  1. Commercial Rent Control: There is growing discussion around implementing extended notices and other rent control measures for commercial properties. While aimed at providing stability for small businesses and artists, such measures could stifle economic growth by discouraging investment and limiting property owners’ ability to respond to market conditions.
  2. Taxes on Vacant Units: A proposal to tax vacant residential units is gaining traction. This policy could lead to higher financial burdens on property owners who are holding properties for future development or are in the process of finding suitable tenants, potentially discouraging property investment and development.


How You Can Help

  • Advocate for Balanced Policies: Join us in advocating for policies that protect property rights while addressing homelessness and other community issues.
  • Stay Informed and Engaged: Your voice matters. Stay informed about local property rights issues and engage in community discussions to ensure fair and balanced solutions.
  • Support Our Efforts: Consider making a donation today to support our work in advocating for property rights and engaging with policymakers to find balanced solutions that benefit everyone. Donate by clicking
  • Join the WBPA: If you are not yet a member of the WBPA, please consider joining today and lending you name and long term financial support to this statewide coalition that is concerned and monitoring the efforts of the state and local government to limit, restrict, reduce and take away your property rights. Join today by clicking


Together, we can ensure that Spokane and other jurisdictions across the State are reminded and required to make sure that your property rights are respected, and community needs are met. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our community.  Look for upcoming WBPA meetings and events in the Spokane area to inform, engage, and educate folks on these issues.


Warm regards,

The Washington Business Properties Association


P.S. If you have any questions or would like to get more involved, please feel free to reach out. We value your input and support in these crucial discussions.


2024.08.30 – WBPA Spokane Ltr to Partners – Final – PDF LINK

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